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Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado

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CANCELLED -- Asian Potluck Luncheon

  • 20 Jun 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Casa Verde Common House, Lindenwood Court, Colorado Springs

Sorry -- this was cancelled!  Check back, and we'll do this another time.


Several years back we held "Ladies Potluck Luncheons" that were enjoyed by many at different member homes. They became so popular the men wanted to join us, and then became known as our "Potluck Luncheons." Groups grew too large to accommodate at homes; we now have a venue that can hold up to 50 people.

Dishes MUST be Japanese or Asian flare and should provide enough for 15 servings. NO DESSERTS. If you need ideas for homemade/semi- homemade dishes you can contact Josie Caruso-Rathe at 719-576-2229 or email:

Event is for adults and student members over 16. Guests are welcome, but members should bring a dish for the guest or double quantity.

RSVP: Will be limited to 50 so please RSVP as soon as possible to hold your spot! Contact Kathy Kidd email, phone 528-8597; I will confirm by email and send a reminder 2-3 days before the event.

Click here (PDF) for complete details.

Map to the location:


About us

The Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado is a non-profit educational and cultural organization promoting increased awareness, education, and understanding between the citizens of Southern Colorado and Japan.  Learn about the History of the JASSC.

Become a member

Join with other enthusiasts and participate in the language, foods, and activities with the opportunity to learn the culture of Japan.

Board of Directors

 President  Wayne Stout
 Vice President  Jennifer Basco
 Secretary  Eric Basco
 Treasurer  Laura Villagrana
 Membership  Kaz Nagai
 Communications  Rayna Lindsey
 IT/Facebook  Ralph Archuleta
 At Large  Uriko Stout
 Naomi Wise
 Seiko Cammack
Intern  Joe Nelson





© Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado. 
JASSC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

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