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Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado

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2016 Amache Pilgrimage

  • 21 May 2016
  • Granada Relocation Center (Amache), Colorado

It’s official:  The 2016 Amache Pilgrimage will be on Saturday, May 21, 2016; for additional details, see attached flyer for the bus from the Denver/Arvada area.  It'll be a wonderful event, especially for those first-time visitors to the Granada Relocation Center (Amache), Colorado.

The former Amache internee, Marion Konishi Takehara, is planning to be at this year’s pilgrimage, her first and only visit since internment. Marion Konishi was the Amache High School, Class of 1943, valedictorian and gave the commencement speech behind barbed-wire fences guarded by armed U.S. soldiers, see attached speech.

Konishi Marion.jpg

Miss Marion Konishi - July 14, 1943

Judge for yourselves that her words are still valid 73 years later.  Marion's speech concludes:  “Can we the graduating class of Amache Senior High School still believe that America means freedom, equality, security and justice?  Do I believe this?  Do my classmates believe this?  Yes, with all our hearts, because in that faith, in that hope, is my future, our future, and the world’s future.”

During the month of May is the best time of year to visit Amache, i.e., the weather usually cooperates, not too hot or too cold…can be a little windy.  And, the annual Pilgrimage makes it that much more meaningful with other interested persons attending...including former internees.

Amache Preservation Society (APS)

Go to Present Day at top of page, pull down menu:

Click on Pilgrimage and/or Current Activity News

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For everyone, including school teachers, historians, etc., Marion’s participation at this year’s Pilgrimage will make it a very special event.  Do plan on being there!

If you are going, individually or as a group, let the pilgrimage organizers know.  For further information or to make a reservation to attend the Pilgrimage, e-mail:

Friends of Amache

Note:  They will need an accurate count for lunch, a very worthwhile part of the Pilgrimage.  Do join in...mingle with the making of history!  No other group bus is presently being organized, organize one in your area.  Carpooling is the best alternative...invite a friend or colleague or teacher, etc.

2016 Pilgrimage flyer  Pilgrimage 2016 - Flyer CC.pdf

Map  Granada-Amache Map.pdf

Marion Konishi Takehara's speech    Konishi Marion Valedictory - 2 Pages.pdf

About us

The Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado is a non-profit educational and cultural organization promoting increased awareness, education, and understanding between the citizens of Southern Colorado and Japan.  Learn about the History of the JASSC.

Become a member

Join with other enthusiasts and participate in the language, foods, and activities with the opportunity to learn the culture of Japan.

Board of Directors

 President  Wayne Stout
 Vice President  Jennifer Basco
 Secretary  Eric Basco
 Treasurer  Laura Villagrana
 Membership  Kaz Nagai
 Communications  Rayna Lindsey
 IT/Facebook  Ralph Archuleta
 At Large  Uriko Stout
 Naomi Wise
 Seiko Cammack
Intern  Joe Nelson





© Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado. 
JASSC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

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