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Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado

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Amache Pilgrimage

  • 18 May 2019
  • 11:00 AM
  • Amache Cemetery and Granada High School

Dear JASSC members,

The Japanese American Association of Colorado, Amache Preservation Society and the Friends of Amache have planned the 2019 Amache Pilgrimage. Everyone is welcome to attend the memorial ceremony, potluck lunch, the new Amache Museum tour and tour the Amache internment site.

Attendees from Colorado Springs drive themselves. JASSC does not organize a bus. If you plan on driving and will have room for passengers, please contact JASSC and we can compile a list to be emailed and you can use your directory or the JASSC website directory to contact one another. Bring layers, the weather is usually comfortable, but can be very windy.

You will meet others interested in the WWII internment of Japanese Americans; former Amache internees do attend and adult children of the internees, though fewer each year.

Floral offering will be provided

Potluck--please bring a dish to share, if bringing a large group, please let the Friends of Amache know ahead of time:


2019 Amache Pilgrimage

Saturday, May 18th, 2019  

11:00am    Arrival at Amache Cemetery (plan on arriving by about 10:30 so you can park and look around the cemetery) 

Memorial Ceremony--Amache Internment Site

        Welcome:                       Frank Miyazawa (MC)

        Hoji & Oshoko:              Reverend Diana Thompson (TSDBT)

        Benediction:                  Reverend Leah Coleman (SUMC)

        Floral Offerings:            JA Community Organizations

12:30pm      Arrival at Granada High School

Potluck Lunch--Granada High School

All Participants Bring Your Favorite Dish

Refreshments Will Be Provided by The Amache Club / JAAC

Amache Preservation Society   Pilgrimage

Note:  TSDBT = Tri-State Denver Buddhist Temple (LODO, Denver); Reverend Diana Thompson, Resident Minister:

                Hoji = Buddhist Memorial Service; Oshoko = Offering of Incenseanyone may participate, encouraged to do so

           SUMC = Simpson United Methodist Church (Aurora, CO); Pastor Leah J. Coleman, Senior Pastor:

Message from Calvin Hada that was part of the original email from JAAC 

Dear Friends and Members of the Japanese American Association of Colorado,

I am proud to announce the 2019 Pilgrimage to Amache is once again coming up on May 18th.  It is important for Amache and the many camps like it be remembered for the injustice visited upon the Japanese Americans after the Attack on Pearl Harbor.  See the many new displays and buildings at this historic site.

I hope to see you there!

Best Regards,

Calvin Hada, President

The Japanese American Association of Colorado

About us

The Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado is a non-profit educational and cultural organization promoting increased awareness, education, and understanding between the citizens of Southern Colorado and Japan.  Learn about the History of the JASSC.

Become a member

Join with other enthusiasts and participate in the language, foods, and activities with the opportunity to learn the culture of Japan.

Board of Directors

 President  Wayne Stout
 Vice President  Jennifer Basco
 Secretary  Eric Basco
 Treasurer  Laura Villagrana
 Membership  Kaz Nagai
 Communications  Rayna Lindsey
 IT/Facebook  Ralph Archuleta
 At Large  Uriko Stout
 Naomi Wise
 Seiko Cammack
Intern  Joe Nelson





© Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado. 
JASSC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

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