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Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado

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Paul Maruyama Lecture and Retirement Reception

  • 08 May 2014
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Slocum Commons, Colorado College, 
130 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO, 80903
Paul Maruyama will be giving a lecture about his book "Escape from Manchuria" on Thursday May 8, 2014 at 4 p.m., Slocum Hall (next to Armstrong). Because he is retiring from CC, this will probably be his last lecture there and a good chance to hear about his book, which goes into second printing.

Please see for further details.

Following the lecture, there will be a reception in Paul's honor, hosted by Joan Ericson and Colorado College. They have graciously invited members of JASSC to join CC faculty in honoring Paul. Because of the location, room arrangement, and Paul's wish that the book lecture be the "main event," we suggest everyone come for both. Please be there at 4 p.m. if at all possible.

Please bring cards, photos, stories, and memories to be shared. If you cannot come, please bring them to Children's Day this Saturday, mail them to Naomi Westcott, or send email to JASSCmedia@ Thanks and hope to see you there.

Click here for a map.

The location is Slocum Hall, which is right off of the parking lot between Armstrong and Slocum Halls. There is usually plenty of free parking after 3:30 pm.  There will be a sign by the entrance.

Here is a brief description of the book "Escape from Manchuria" by Paul Maruyama:

As WWII ended, the Soviet Union attacked and occupied Japanese-controlled northern China, then called Manchuria. Due to misery and death from cold, hunger, disease, and brutality, nearly 2,500 Japanese civilians died daily at the hands of the Soviet Army and revenge-seeking mobs and bandits. Three courageous Japanese men embarked on a secret mission and escaped to Japan to eventually bring an end to the nightmare.  In Escape from Manchuria, Paul Maruyama, the son of one of the three men, narrates a compelling tale of the rescue and repatriation of nearly 1.7 million noncombatant Japanese that commenced almost a year after the surrender of Japan.

About us

The Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado is a non-profit educational and cultural organization promoting increased awareness, education, and understanding between the citizens of Southern Colorado and Japan.  Learn about the History of the JASSC.

Become a member

Join with other enthusiasts and participate in the language, foods, and activities with the opportunity to learn the culture of Japan.

Board of Directors

 President  Wayne Stout
 Vice President  Jennifer Basco
 Secretary  Eric Basco
 Treasurer  Laura Villagrana
 Membership  Kaz Nagai
 Communications  Rayna Lindsey
 IT/Facebook  Ralph Archuleta
 At Large  Uriko Stout
 Naomi Wise
 Seiko Cammack
Intern  Joe Nelson





© Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado. 
JASSC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

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